Hilžbjeta II.: Rozdźěl mjez wersijomaj

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Rjadka 5:
Dnja [[6. februara]] [[1952]], na smjertnym dnju swojeho nana Jurja VI., bu proklamowana za kralownu. Oficialnje krónowana bu dnja [[2. junija]] [[1953]] w Londonskej [[Westminster Abbey]].
Hilžbjeta II. měješe z mandźelskim Princom [[Philip Mountbatten|Philipom Mountbattenom]] třoch synow – [[Charles Mountbatten-WindsorIII.|Charlesa]] (* 1948), [[Andrew Mountbatten-Windsor|Andrewa]] (* 1960) a [[Edward Mountbatten-Windsor|Edwarda]] (* 1964) – a dźowku [[Anne Mountbatten-Windsor|Anne]] (* 1950).
Jeje dospołny titul bě ''Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other realms and territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith''.
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