WikiThanks.png (115 × 115 pikselow, wulkosć dataje: 18 kB, typ MIME: image/png)

Tuta dataja je z Wikimedia Commons a da so přez druhe projekty wužiwać. Wopisanje na jeje stronje datajoweho wopisanja so deleka pokazuje.


English: The WikiThanks may be awarded as a way to say thank you to other Wikipedians.

The original image was created by Anthere.

This award was introduced by MattTM on September 9 2004. However, Anthere started using the small picture during summer 2004 as a thank you note on meta user pages.
žórło en.wikipedia
awtor Anthere
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w:hsb:Cresative Commons
připokazanje dźělić
Tuta dataja je pod licencu Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licencowana Vorbehaltlich der Haftungsausschlüsse.
  • zhromadnje wužiwać – dźěło kopěrować, rozšěrić a dale dać
  • změšeć – zo by dźěło přiměrił
Pod slědowacymi wuměnjenjemi:
  • připokazanje – Dyrbiš informacije wo awtorstwje podać, wotkaz k icency přidać a podać, kotre změny sće přewjedł. Móžeće to na přihódne wašnje činić, ale nic tak, zo zaćišć nastawa, zo licencudawar was abo waše wužiwanje podpěruje.
  • dźělić – Jeli tute dźěło měnješ, přetworjuješ abo na njo natwarješ, móžeš hotowe dźěło jenož pod samsnej abo podobnej licencu kaž tuta rozšěrić.
Tuta licencna marka je so tutej dataji jako dźěl licencneje aktualizacije přidała.
GNU head Směće tutón dokument pod wuměnjenjemi licency GNU Free Documentation License, wersija 1.2 abo nowša wersija, wozjewjeneje wot załožby Free Software Foundation kopěrować, rozšěrjeć a/abo změnić; njejsu njezměnite wotrězki, njeje žadyn prědni a žadyn zadni wobalkowy tekst. Kopija licency je we wotrězku z titulom GNU Free Documentation License wobsahowana. Vorbehaltlich der Haftungsausschlüsse.

Some background

For the story, I wandered in a sunflower field in spring/summer 2003, and took many pictures. You may see a consequence of that day in the sunflower splashscreen I made after that trip here. Soon after, Eloquence launched the wikipedia logo contest, and had an idea of a logo himself... but no flower to use for it. He asked me for one... and here is the flower I sent him. The logo had success during the contest, but did not make the final winner for wikipedia... still, it became our software Mediawiki logo ( Anyone may see this little flower on all wikis using our Mediawiki soft.

Sometimes during summer 2004, I felt the need of a very small picture which could be used to paste, just to say thank you to editors. Not a big barnstar to display, but just a tiny little thing one can distribute as much as desired.

It was first used on meta, to thank Raul654. Then it spread on several of our projects and there is even an editor using it in his signature.

I am delighted that people use it. It gives a splash of sunny happiness on a talk page ;-)

File history at en.wikipedia

(cur) 02:54, December 16, 2005 . . Locke Cole (Talk) . . 43x39 (3531 bytes) (smaller) (del) (rev) 01:22, April 21, 2005 . . Postdlf (Talk) . . 43x39 (4747 bytes) (Reverted to earlier revision) (del) (rev) 01:21, April 21, 2005 . . Golbez (Talk) . . 43x39 (4747 bytes) (Reverted to earlier revision) (del) (rev) 04:29, April 20, 2005 . . Nivedh (Talk) . . 43x39 (4747 bytes) (Reverted to earlier revision) (del) (rev) 01:39, July 27, 2004 . . Stevertigo (Talk) . . 43x39 (4747 bytes) (User:Anthere's flowa. WikiMedia logo) SweetLittleFluffyThing


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MIME-Typ němčina


Wersije dataje

Klikń na wěsty čas, zo by wersiju dataje w tutym času zwobraznił.

ČasWobrazowy napohladRozeznaćeWužiwarKomentar
aktualnje13. junija 2020, 07:39Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 13. junija 2020, 07:39115x115 (18 kB)MisterNoxNew version
12. junija 2020, 15:28Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 12. junija 2020, 15:28106x106 (10 kB)MisterNoxVersion 2.0
8. septembra 2012, 14:40Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 8. septembra 2012, 14:4035x35 (592 Bytes)Iketsireduced file size
3. januara 2006, 06:38Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 3. januara 2006, 06:3843x39 (3 kB)Pamrismaller version from wikipedia.
18. julija 2005, 11:36Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 18. julija 2005, 11:3643x39 (5 kB)MidomReverted to earlier revision
9. julija 2005, 06:15Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 9. julija 2005, 06:1543x39 (5 kB)Aphaiacreated by User:Anthere {{GFDL}} Category:Wikimedia

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